
Monroeville Middle School’s  faculty and staff believe that the school’s sole mission is to assure that all of its students acquire the skills, knowledge and competencies necessary for full participation in a changing society.

The tradition of excellence among the MMS community is a hallmark of the school. It has maintained a high level of expectation for the students within the classroom and through extracurricular activities. The staff continues to be driven by national, state and local curriculum standards and their own desire to provide a sound curriculum to every student.

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Monroeville Middle School News

  • Sep 11, 2024

    Students Recognized for 2024 ACAP Scores

    We celebrated the students who benchmarked on the Reading and Math Spring 2024 ACAP test. Students took the test in April 2024. Students who benchmarked in Reading received a $25 gift card. Students who benchmarked in Math received a $50 gift card. Keep up the great work!

    Watch our recognition here!

  • They're not tardy to the party!
    Sep 11, 2024

    5th Grade is Stepping into Class

    Kudos to 5th grade! They are rocking middle school. They received a pizza party courtesy of Coach Jones for having the least amount of tardies during the last week of August! Keep up the great work 5th grade!

  • Sep 11, 2024

    5th Grade Knows What to Do

    Like and share MMS on Facebook after you watch our 5th grade model cafeteria expectations.

    Click here! https://fb.watch/uxQSisETI5/

  • Let's Go Tigers!
    Sep 11, 2024

    August Students of the Month

  • Attendance Spirit Week 2024
    Sep 11, 2024

    September is Attendance Awareness Month

    Attendance Spirit Week 2024

    September 23-27, 2024

    *Wear Uniforms on Monday

    *Wear Uniform bottoms on Tuesday w/Tie or Tie Dye Shirt

  • Clear Bags for Beta
    Aug 22, 2024

    Stadium Bags

    Stadium Bags are available in the front office! $8 for one color and $10 for two colors. All proceeds will support the MMS Beta Club.

  • Attendance Announcement
    Aug 15, 2024

    Excuses for Absences

  • Pay Attention to Attendance
    Jul 29, 2024

    Keep Your Child On Track in Middle and High School


September 2024